Inside Groundhog 2025
“The Gospel of Mark is no biography…It’s a call to action, a manifesto, a How to manual for non-violent guerilla warriors everywhere, 1st century…or 21st.”
“Western philosophy is the history of our effort to understand the silence of Parmenides, or to break it.”
“We are not midway through the Second Act of a Mystery Play called Salvation… Brunhilda has sung; we just need to applaud!”
”A heretical state is not a bad state…A heretical state is not a state at all. There are no bad states. There are only states and pseudo-states.”
“The occasional dragon notwithstanding, we hardly ever see monsters in Liverpool anymore.”
“In this one verse…St. Paul proposes a radically new model of what it means to be a human being.”
“When we truly love, the Kingdom is already ‘come’ and God’s will is already ‘done.'"